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- Guidelines on Support for Students regarding Sexual Diversity at Ritsumeikan University
Guidelines on Support for Students regarding
Sexual Diversity
at Ritsumeikan University
Ⅰ.Ritsumeikan University's basic approach to sexual diversity
The Ritsumeikan Charter states that based on its founding ideals of “freedom and innovation,” and its educational philosophy of “peace and democracy,” Ritsumeikan aims to build an institution where many cultures coexist in the spirit of international mutual understanding, and to cultivate the rich individuality of its members in order to foster the development of individuals who can pave the pathway to a sustainable, peaceful future for mankind and our planet, while upholding the principles of justice and ethics. Furthermore, our R2030 Academy Vision states our goal to become “an academic institution that achieves diversity and inclusion” on the premise of applying these to all types of diversity in society. We will understand and respect the differences in opinions and ways of thinking of individuals, develop diverse relationships while working together with others, apply that diversity to its fullest, and enhance the mutual value of both individuals and organizations.
Under this philosophy, Ritsumeikan is working to create an environment in which all students can study and lead their academic lives at our University without suffering any disadvantageous treatment or psychological distress based on their individual sexuality. We are also proceeding with environmental improvements, promotion of understanding, and awareness-raising activities, including educational and research activities, for the mutual recognition and acceptance of each other’s diversity and values.
The following is a summary of the response content and policies of our University at the present time based on the above basic approach. It will be revised as necessary as we proceed with the implementation of measures and environmental improvements.
Ⅱ.Current status of specific response policies
1.Name and gender information, and its management
While engaged in study on our campuses, all students are able to select the name and alias by which they wish to be recognized by others. This section describes the status of the handling of personal information, such as the names and genders of students, as well as the status of flexibility in making related adjustments.
(1)How names are written, and the use of alias
Consultation deskManabi Station (for Suzaku: Inter-Faculty Graduate School Administrative Office)
In accordance with the “Ritsumeikan University Regulations on Student Status,” the notation for the names of students indicated on the student register, graduation certificates, diplomas, and various other certificates and documents will be the name indicated on the Family Register, the name indicated on a copy of a Resident’s Certificate or a substitute document, or the name in alphabet indicated on a passport. If a student so desires, their alias can be used.
If you wish to use an alias, please submit an “Regarding the Use of Alias.” Students who possess an official document that can be used to confirm the alias to be used will be requested to submit it, but the application can be made even if submission of such documents is not possible.
(2)Gender information
Consultation deskManabi Station (for Suzaku: Inter-Faculty Graduate School Administrative Office)
Ritsumeikan records and manages the gender of students as noted on the Family Register. If the gender noted on the Family Register changes, please submit a “Notification of Change” and follow the procedure for the change of information (as of December 2020). We are promoting the following initiatives to carefully handle gender information so that a student’s gender information is not disclosed without the permission of the applicable student.
- 1Announcements will be made throughout the university that as a rule, the gender field should be removed from information to be distributed and released to students (lists of names, etc.).
- 2The necessity of including gender information in meeting materials, etc., will be reviewed, and their deletion, as well as changes to how they are written, will be encouraged.
(3)Indicating gender on certificates and documents issued by the University
Consultation deskManabi Station (for Suzaku: Inter-Faculty Graduate School Administrative Office)
Indication of gender on various types of certificates will be handled as below. We will proceed with discussions with various organizations on the necessity of including gender on certificates and other documents, and will work to create an environment where, in principle, a field for gender on documents and surveys to be completed by students while enrolled will not be included. However, the use of a field for gender cannot be eliminated from [1] enrollment procedure documents, [2] health management information, and [3] applications for programs involving overnight accommodation. In these cases, we will explain the necessity for informing us of their gender, and will consider methods such as [1] making the gender field optional, or [2] adding an “Other” response in addition to the “Male” and “Female” responses.
- Various certificates
- →Gender will not be indicated.
- *We plan to stop including gender on medical examination certificates starting from the AY 2021.
Certificates issued after graduation
Consultation deskManabi Station (for Suzaku: Inter-Faculty Graduate School Administrative Office)
In principle, certificates issued after graduation are issued using the name a student used while enrolled. However, if you change your name on your Family Register after graduation and wish to have your revised name indicated instead of the name used while you were enrolled at the University, this will be possible if the following two conditions are fulfilled: [1] it can be confirmed with a Resident’s Certificate or other document that your name on your Family Register has been changed; and [2] you will be at a disadvantage if the certificate is issued with the name used while you were enrolled.
2. Classes
Classes are places for students to learn based on their individual interests. However, depending on the class, there may be environments or conditions that can hinder learning or cause discomfort for students. This section describes situations that may bring about difficulties in learning or discomfort for students during classes, and the status of flexibility in making related adjustments.
(1)Practical sports subjects
Consultation deskManabi Station (General subjects: Office of General Education/ Specialized subjects: Administrative Office at your college)
Among the practical physical education subjects offered at Ritsumeikan, some of them (swimming, judo, etc.) require the use of special clothing. If students have any particular requests related to changing clothes, the following response measures are possible.
Changing rooms
Depending on the status of facilities and equipment, it may not always be possible to accommodate requests, but consultations may be made in advance by those who wish to use changing rooms individually.
(2)Off-campus training activities (practical training, etc.)
Consultation deskOffice accepting applications for applicable training
Consultations may be made regarding prior confirmation of toilet facilities, changing rooms, clothing, etc. The details of program contents at training sites may also be verified, and considerations may be made together on how to participate in programs in accordance with individual circumstances.
(3)Class management (division into groups, referral by name)
Consultation deskInstructors responsible for classes/ Administrative Offices of your college or Graduate School
Ritsumeikan is working towards the following initiatives with the aim of creating class environments in which everyone can feel comfortable participating.
- 1Removing fields indicating students’ gender from course lists (manaba+R). (status: completed)
- 2Instruct faculty to refrain from unnecessary division into groups according to gender.
- 3Recommend the use of the common suffix “-san” for both males and females.
*Also recommend that the names of students with foreign names be standardized to use “-san” as well (e.g. Smith-san). - 4Make adjustments so that names can be used according to a student's own wishes (consult if this is desired).
(4)Activities involving overnight accommodation
Consultation deskActivity organizers
Ritsumeikan conducts activities organized by students and faculty and staff members that involve overnight accommodation. When considering participation, the significance and purpose of the camp, facility requirements for the place of accommodation (room allocation, bath and toilet facilities, etc.), and program details may be confirmed, and consultations may be made on the method of participation. We aim to create an environment in which all students can feel as comfortable as possible when participating in these activities.
3.Student life
Ritsumeikan aims to create a campus that students are comfortable attending and at which they feel secure. This section provides information and options regarding the systems, facilities, and events that form the foundation of student life.
(1)Medical examinations
Medical examinations are very important for leading healthy student lives. Students are required to participate in annual medical examinations under the “Ritsumeikan University Student Medical Examination Regulations”.
Please be sure to have one every year. In addition, there may be instances where a medical examination certificate is required (training activities, studying abroad, job search activities), or where extracurricular activities require that an examination be taken in order to participate in them.
[1]Medical examinations
Consultation deskMedical Service Center
The following three options are available for undergoing medical examinations.
- a)Group examinations: These are held at different times and places for men and women. In some cases, the upper body may be partially exposed in a setting where others are present (for X-rays, etc.).
- b) Individual examinations: If circumstances make it difficult for individuals to participate in group medical examinations, it is possible to have an individual medical examination by making an appointment in advance.
- c)Off-campus examinations: It is necessary for off-campus examinations to fulfill the same examination content as those carried out on campus. Examination expenses will be the responsibility of the concerned individual. After the examination, please submit the results to the Medical Service Center. Please note that a medical examination certificate will not be issued based on those results.
[2]Athletic club medical examinations
Consultation deskOffice for Athletes and Sports Services
Ritsumeikan Athletic Association medical examinations are held every year around May for students who belong to athletic clubs. Students are required to undergo these examinations to participate in athletic club activities. Applicable students must follow the guidance from the Office for Athletes and Sports Services through their athletic clubs and take these examinations without fail.
In addition to the regular medical examinations described in [1] carried out by Medical Service Center (every April), additional items such as blood tests will also be conducted. These are conducted in the format of group medical examinations, and include two types of examination items: those which are conducted in separate areas for men and women (electrocardiograms), and those which are not. Please consult with us in advance if circumstances make it difficult to participate in group medical examinations.
(2)Facility use
[1]Toilet facilities
Consultation deskActivity organizers
Ritsumeikan is equipped with separate toilets for males and females, and multipurpose toilets which can be used by anyone. Some multipurpose toilets are installed as independent facilities, and some are installed inside facilities which include toilets separated for males and females. Please check the locations of multipurpose toilets on the “Barrier-free Map.” Going forward, we will continue to improve our environment so that each individual student can feel comfortable to use toilet facilities as desired.
[2]Accommodation facilities
- Seminar houses
- Consultation deskOffice of Regional Collaboration
- Seminar houses are located on each campus. Please check the following website for facilities and equipment. If you would like further information, please contact us.
- International dormitories (International House, Global House)
- Consultation deskInternational Center
- International dormitories (International House, Global House) on each campus provide a place for students of diverse nationalities, languages, and cultural backgrounds to study and live together. Each dormitory has its own characteristics, so please refer to the following websites to confirm them. If you would like to live in a dormitory, it may not always be possible to accommodate requests, but please consult with the point of contact responsible for dormitories at the International Center on the affiliated campus. You may also consult with us while you are currently living in a dormitory.
- Sports facilities
- Consultation deskOffice for Athletes and Sports Services/ Office of General Education
- The details of facilities will vary by campus, but arenas, training rooms, changing rooms (male/female separate), shower rooms (male/female separate) and toilet facilities (male/female separate, multipurpose) are common facilities provided on all campuses. Please check the following websites for facilities and equipment. If you would like further information, please contact us.
(3)Attire for ceremonies, etc.
Consultation deskFor ceremonies other than entrance and graduation ceremonies: Responsible department or office
At entrance and graduation ceremonies, participants may attend with attire and appearance based on their own diverse identities. While keeping in mind that the occasion is of a ceremonial nature, all participants are encouraged to attend with attire and appearance which suit their own individual selves and are appropriate for the ceremony. Please consult with the responsible department or office regarding attire for ceremonies other than entrance and graduation ceremonies.
(4)Voluntary extracurricular activities
Consultation deskOffice of Student Affairs/ Office for Athletes and Sports Services (if affiliated with an athletic club)
Although voluntary in nature and outside of the university’s direct authority, these guidelines will also be applied to voluntary extracurricular activities in order to create an environment in which all students can feel comfortable when engaging in such activities. If you are interested in participating in voluntary extracurricular activities but have feelings of unease or concern, please do not give up on participating. Listen to the explanations of the activity content, gather information about the activity environment, and carefully consider in advance what kinds of problems may arise and what kinds of response measures may be necessary. The above consultation desks are available to aid you in selecting the organizations or activities that best suit you.
(5)Job-hunting and internships
Consultation deskCareer Center
In 2017, Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) announced the policy “Aiming for the Realization of a Society with Diversity and Inclusion,” which states specific examples of the direction for companies to take in initiatives to address the topic of LGBT. The government is also moving forward with the establishment of guidelines and ordinances related to the handling of this topic. We recommended that you review information on the policies and response measures of individual companies and organizations in advance.
In general, we do not require students to wear suits or other specified attire to participate in guidance activities or seminars for job search activity preparation held on campus. However, it may at times be recommended to wear a suit when participating in company informational sessions held on or off campus. If you have any concerns or matters you wish to consult on regarding personal information to be submitted or the proper attire when participating in such events, please consult at the above consultation desk.
(6)Studying abroad
Consultation desk Administrative Office of your college/ International Center
Before studying abroad, we recommend that you find out in advance about and gain an understanding of the culture, laws, and systems related to gender at your destination. At the consultation desk indicated above, information on academic and living environments in destination countries, support systems and other matters can be confirmed for study abroad programs advertised for at the University. If you have any concerns, please inquire at the consultation desk.
4.Consultation desks
At our consultation desks, we will listen to any problems and concerns you may have related to sexual diversity in your university life. We can also inform you of what types of measures are possible at the University, and think together about how any issues may be resolved. When requesting cooperation from experts on or off campus, or when executing actual responses as a part of student lifestyles, we will consult with the concerned person in advance and will only proceed after obtaining their consent.
For the items in sections 1 - 3, we recommend that you contact the appropriate consultation desk first. If you feel uneasy about inquiring at the consultation desk, have attempted consultation with them but it was not satisfactory, wish to consult about issues other than those of sections 1 - 3, or are unsure of which consultation desk to visit or how to make a consultation, please inquire with the following contacts.
(1)General guidance regarding student consultations (Offices of Student Affairs)
- KIC Campus, Kenshinkan Hall, 2F
- 075-465-8174
- sns-k[at]st.ritsumei.ac.jp
*Replace [at] with @.
- BKC Campus, Central Arc, 1F
- 077-561-3951
- sns-b[at]st.ritsumei.ac.jp
*Replace [at] with @.
- OIC Campus, Building A, 1F, AS Administrative Office
- 072-665-2130
- sns-oic[at]st.ritsumei.ac.jp
*Replace [at] with @.
(2)General consultation desks for consultation on diversity and inclusion (Office of Diversity and Inclusion Promotion)
- Suzaku Campus, 7F
- 075-813-8610
- dcontact[at]st.ritsumei.ac.jp
*Replace [at] with @.
List of Consultation Contacts
(1)How names are written, and the use of unofficial names | Manabi Station/ for Suzaku: Inter-Faculty Graduate School Administrative Office |
(2)Gender information and its handling | Manabi Station/ for Suzaku: Inter-Faculty Graduate School Administrative Office |
(3)Indicating gender on certificates and documents issued by the University | Manabi Station/ for Suzaku: Inter-Faculty Graduate School Administrative Office |
(1)Practical sports subjects | General subjects: Office of General Education/ Specialized subjects: Administrative Office at your college |
(2)Off-campus training activities (practical training, etc.) | Office accepting applications for applicable training |
(3)Class management (division into groups, referral by name) | Administrative Offices of your colleges or Graduate School |
(4)Activities involving overnight accommodation | Activity organizers |
(1)Medical examinations | [1] Regular medical examinations: Medical Service Center [2] Athletic Association medical examinations: Office for Athletes and Sports Services |
(2)Facility use | Seminar houses: Office of Regional Collaboration International dormitories: International Centers Athletic facilities: Office for Athletes and Sports Services / Office of General Education |
(3)Attire for ceremonies, etc | Ceremonies other than entrance and graduation ceremonies: Department responsible for ceremony |
(4)Voluntary extracurricular activities | Offices of Student Affairs Office for Athletes and Sports Services (if affiliated with an athletic club) |
(5)Job hunting and internships | Career Centers |
(6)Studying abroad | Administrative Offices of affiliated Colleges / International Centers |
(1)General guidance regarding student consultations | Offices of Student Affairs |
(2)General consultation on diversity and inclusion | Office of Diversity and Inclusion Promotion |
*The contacts listed above can be confirmed from ->contacts