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- Basic Approach to Sexual Diversity
Basic Approach to Sexual Diversity
The Ritsumeikan Charter states that Ritsumeikan aims to build an institution where many cultures coexist in the spirit of international mutual understanding, and to cultivate the rich individuality of its members in order to foster the development of individual talents in order to nurture just and ethical global citizens. Furthermore, our R2030 Academy Vision states our goal to become “an academic institution that achieves diversity and inclusion” on the premise of applying these to all types of diversity in society. We will understand and respect the differences in opinions and ways of thinking of individuals, develop diverse relationships while working together with others, apply that diversity to its fullest, and enhance the mutual value of both individuals and organizations.
One aspect of diversity is the sexuality of individuals. Any discrimination or prejudice based on this will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Creating a society in which we can honor the diversity of others with a sense of mutual respect, and support and help each other, is an extremely important issue for academic institutions, which are responsible for developing the human resources of our future. The following are specified as basic principles for creating an institution where sexual diversity is mutually recognized and where everyone can feel safe.
- 1Recognize sexual diversity among individuals, and respect their intentions and choices.
- 2Establish an environment to protect the rights of all members to learn, pursue research, and work without suffering any disadvantageous treatment or psychological distress based on their sexuality, and where they can feel comfortable during their time at the academy.
- 3Establish an environment in which it is easy for all members to make requests for the accommodations or support required to protect their right to learn, pursue research, and work.
- 4Deepen the understanding of all members regarding sexual diversity, and provide education and awareness activities so that discrimination and prejudice can be prevented.
- 5Make dedicated efforts to properly use and manage personal information related to sexuality. Also strive to prevent outing or harassment related to this information.
Each member shall be aware of the above, and shall act in cooperation and collaboration to build an institution where everyone can be their individual selves.
December 23, 2020
The Ritsumeikan Trust
Terms related to Sexual Diversity
At Ritsumeikan, sexual diversity is defined based on the following concepts, with the aim of deepening the awareness that we are all individual members with diverse sexuality. This list of terms will be modified and revised as appropriate.
Gender Identity/性自認
Refers to the gender that an individual recognizes for themselves. It includes various patterns, such as identifying oneself as female, identifying oneself as male, identifying oneself as not being either female or male, or identifying oneself as having multiple genders. Also, gender identity is not necessarily the same as one’s physical gender. Gender identity is also known as the “gender of the mind.”
Examples: T (Transgender: gender where physical gender and gender identity do not match) ,Cis (Cisgender: gender where physical gender and gender identity match)
Sexual Orientation/性的指向
Refers to the targets of a person’s feelings of emotional or sexual attraction. It includes various patterns, such as feeling attraction toward the same gender, feeling attraction toward a different gender, or feeling attraction to multiple genders. In some cases, a person may not feel sexual attraction to any gender, which is expressed as being “asexual (アセクシュアル).” Sexual orientation is also known as one’s “gender of love.”
Examples: L (Lesbian/女性の同性愛者: sexual attraction between women), G (Gay/男性の同性愛者: sexual attraction between men),*B (Bisexual/両性愛者: sexual attraction toward both men and women),Hetero (Heterosexual/異性愛者: sexual attraction toward the opposite gender)
*Gay may also be used to encompass other sexual orientations.
Gender Expression/性表現
Refers to one’s social behavior and conduct based on gender identity and sexual orientation. It expresses “masculinity” or “femininity,” as well as a person’s individuality, through aspects such as clothing, hairstyle, makeup, gestures, manner of speaking, or behavior.
SOGIE/ Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression
A concept encompassing sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. It may be pronounced as “soji” or “sogi.”
Sex Assigned at Birth/身体的な性別
Refers to the gender determined at the time of one’s birth, based on the distinctive physical characteristics of males and females (external sexual organs).