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D&I Consultation Desk
The D&I Consultation Desk was established as part of Ritsumeikan’s diversity and inclusion initiative. It is open to students at Ritsumeikan University and Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU), as well as students of affiliated schools and every individual working at the Ritsumeikan Academy.
Any matters for consultation or comments to share regarding D&I systems and services at the academy are welcome. Much like a hotel concierge, it handles consultations from anyone learning, researching, or working at the academy who does not know who to turn to for advice about their problems.
Depending on the content of the consultation, the desk may direct individuals to other appropriate services, or work with other specialized institutions or departments to find the answer to your inquiries. Your privacy will be protected, so please feel free to contact the desk for advice or support on any matter.
Please note that it may take some time to reply, that the desk may not be able to reply depending on the content of your inquiry, and that the primary respondent may not be a specialist in the topic of your inquiry. We thank you for your understanding in this.
In principle, the desk does not reply directly to individuals regarding opinions received, though your opinions will be used as a reference to aid in operations.
How to Use the Consultation Desk
First, contact the desk via email.
Email: dcontact[at]st.ritsumei.ac.jp
*Replace [at] with @. -
In your email, indicate the following information.
*If you wish to request consultation anonymously, leave out item 1.- 1Name
- 2Status (e.g., university student, affiliated school student, faculty member, staff member, etc.)
- 3School/Office (the name of your campus is acceptable)
- 4Content of your consultation
- 5Contact information (i.e., email address or phone number)
- If you wish to receive a consultation over the phone, please indicate this in the email. We will contact you at the phone number you provide.
- We will use your personal information only for the purpose of replying to your inquiry and not for any other purposes.
Office of
Diversity and
Office hours
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)
9:00 to 17:30 (during certain times, no staff may be available)
Closed during summer break, winter break, and the Golden Week holidays -
Nakagawa Hall 6F (Suzaku Campus, Ritsumeikan University) - Email
dcontact[at]st.ritsumei.ac.jp *Replace [at] with @.
On-Campus Consultation Offices
For Students
Ritsumeikan University and Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University students should contact the following offices or the Office of Diversity and Inclusion Promotion. If you find it difficult to contact any of the offices listed below, you are always welcome to contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion Promotion.
For Faculty and Staff Members
Health Management and Improvement for Faculty and Staff Members
Consultations Regarding Harassment
ContactHarassment Prevention Committee
Consultations Regarding Life Events
Consultations regarding life events, such as child care and family care
ContactOffice of Payroll and Employee Benefits, Division of Human Resources (RU, Affiliated Schools), Administration Office (APU), Research Life Support Office (for RU faculty only)
For inquiries about use of this system, please contact the Office of Payroll and Employee Benefits, Division of Human Resources at Ritsumeikan University, or the Administration Office at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University. For research support matters, contact the Research Life Support Office (RLS Office). If you find it difficult to consult any of the above offices regarding life events, you are welcome to contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion Promotion.
Other Consultations
Matters related to sexual orientation and gender identity/ Work-life balance consultations (regarding support in balancing work and life events, and issues related to the work environment)/ Disability-related issues/ Work environment-related issues
ContactOffice of Diversity and Inclusion Promotion